
How Many People Does it Take to Start a Golf League?

[05/16/13 | 7 Comments | 60439 views]

This isn’t the old joke we often hear about how many “insert group here” does it take to change a light bulb.  This is the primary question I get from people thinking about starting a Tour Golf Revolution Tour in their area.  

This isn’t the old joke we often hear about how many “insert group here” does it take to change a light bulb.  This is the primary question I get from people thinking about starting a Tour Golf Revolution Tour in their area.  Many people feel that they just don’t know anybody who would make the commitment to play in a regular golf league.  I always smile and say, “That’s exactly why we invented TGR.  Do you know at least 4 people that play golf?” They almost always say “Sure, who doesn’t?” Well, guess what? Then you know enough people to start your own tour.  Here’s why:

Those of us trying to grow the number of players who are participating in league golf recognize that the number one challenge is that people are busier than ever these days and rarely have the ability to commit to the pre-determined same time and course schedule of most golf leagues.  This creates a massive recruiting problem for many league organizers.  To break down this barrier at TGR, we have redefined the rules of play in a league with the primary goal of enticing more golfers to give it a try.

On a TGR tour, players can play any day during the event duration and have their score count for league play.  Usually events run for 1 week, but they can be set to as long as 4 weeks.  This opens up countless possibilities for players.  You can play 7am on a Tuesday, 3pm on a Sunday, whenever your schedule allows. Because TGR is not team or match play focused, you can play with any members of your tour. You are not stuck with one or several opponents schedules.  This makes it much easier to recruit other players by lowering the commitment requirement.  I tell people who are thinking about joining my tour, “just commit to playing a few times, and trust me the rest will take care of itself”. 

So, if you are that person, hesitating to start their tour.  Do what I do, and trust that this new system will make it very easy to recruit your players and for those players to recruit ever more.  Once you get people on board and playing at least a little bit, the golf, the camaraderie, and the competition will keep them engaged.  All it takes is someone to get it started. 

1 Comments | Add Comment
2284 days ago by Johnmartin
One of the primary things to consider is the place to play. Contemplations ought to incorporate where the course is found, the nature of the course, the trouble of the course, course comforts, cost, and accessibility of tee times for your alliance.