
League Golf Completely Changed My Game

[03/17/14 | 1 Comments | 88486 views]

I thought it would be great to get our blog going again with a guest post from the tour manager of a golf tour in the Dallas, TX area.  Evan was one of our very first customers and he spent a few minutes sharing his experiences with league golf and with TGR.  Enjoy!


I slammed my club into the bag, got into the cart, and yelled “I effing (did not say “effing”) hate golf!” This was after my 3rd consecutive slice off the tee box. Fury raged through my blood, and the only thing holding me back from tossing my bag into the same pond I hit my ball was the respect I have for my Dad who sat in the cart next to me. His response to my tantrum, “You sure do get mad at yourself for something you never practice.” He was right, as usual, and this struck a chord with me. My reasoning, whether reasonable or not, for not practicing golf was the lack of competition. Golf was not my first sport. I played basketball all my life. My drive for improving my basketball game was every Tuesday and Friday night I would either win or lose a basketball game which meant a lot to me. 

Golf lacked competition in my life; therefore I had no real drive to improve it. Creating an efficient, repeatable golf swing was always second to drinking too much beer and driving a golf cart like an idiot. About a year and a half ago I stumbled upon the best thing that could happen to my golf game: competition. It came in the form of a website, The website made creating a customizable “tour” super easy. Just like that the Hale Yea Tour was born. 

I knew about 8 guys, either close friends or coworkers, who were eager to jump on the tour right away. That number grew to 12 by the end of the tour’s first year. What came next was incredible. I took golf much more seriously than ever before. I bought lessons. I eventually bought new clubs that fit me. I got better…and very quickly. Golf meant something more to me now that I had something on the line.

I dropped from a 25 handicap to an 18 handicap in 7 months. (Yes, Tour Golf Revolution keeps and updates your handicap.) It’s absolutely amazing what a little competition will do to your work ethic. Like Tuesday and Friday nights in high school, I was now practicing and playing with a purpose.  The website has absolutely changed the way I approach the game. My Dad doesn’t have to put up with a pouting asshole. I’ve amplified my enjoyment of the game by competing with friends and coworkers. But the biggest thing is I’ve developed a real passion for sport.

Not only does the website offer an easy way to set up a tour with your buddies or coworkers, they’ve got the right guys running the operation too. Anytime I have needed help with something on the site, Chris, the founder of the site, is just an email away. Any issues are resolved immediately. 

If your golf experience is getting stagnant or your score doesn’t seem to be dropping like you’d hoped, I’d highly recommend Tour Golf Revolution. It has changed my entire outlook on golf.

Evan Hale 

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